Saturday, March 10, 2007

I'm going to live with Bill the Pony!

I tried being somewhat loud tonight.

I think I know now why I prefer being quiet...I'm just...not very good at talking a lot. I babble a bunch and don't really say anything and I feel really least, I annoy myself quite a bit...

But annoying myself is nothing new...I do that every day. I think I like leaving a lot of the talking to other people, though...I'm just not a performer...or terribly clever or anything.

Anyways...we had caregroup tonight, and it was pretty fun...

I made celery!

My brain is so dead, I really shouldn't be awake...

In fact, I think I'll go to bed...hopefully this post doesn't read like total gibberish...

I came home and there were lots of people in my living room and we had some interesting conversation and then I fell asleep on our sofa and supposedly snored.

Okay, good night...


Anonymous said...

I've heard Bill the Pony is real nice company...

Anonymous said...

I thought you were pretty loud.

[blinks rapidly]

Anonymous said...

You are not living with Bill, I already told you he is dangerous, and I am not Bill! Bill is my uncle.

Leuke said...

You are too Bill! You told me you are Bill.

Anonymous said...

I never said that.