Saturday, March 3, 2007

Jesus, your love is a mystery...

Hey kids.

Nothing much to report for now...I think I'm going to repost one of the blogs I took down later today. The other one, the poem, I'll probably just post on Fictionpress later, along with a ton of other new stuff...

Yesterday was both sweet and cool simultaneously. My friend Jeremy and I started meeting for accountability...we went to a coffee and tea place near my house called Peet's, and since I never drink tea, I asked the uh, do you call them baristas?? I don't know, anyways, I asked the coffee and tea lady what she recommended and this turned out to be a bit of a mistake, because she had me smell some tea whose name neither Jeremy nor I could pronounce, and I thought it smelled quite nice, so I got that.

Don't ever do that at Pete's...or Peet's. I can't actually remember which it is, which is sort of sad I guess...

It was sort of gross, even after I tried adding cinnamon and some sort of carmely syrup stuff. Soooo, I'm thinking coffee next time. Coffee makes me happy, possibly more than it should.

And Jeremy drank a Russian Caravan. Sorry, that's just fun to say. I tried some, and we both decided it was like trying to take a bite out of a chair. Lovely wood flavor.

In addition to Matthew, Philippians, and Proverbs, I'm going to start going through Ecclesiastes. I'm going to slowly, now, though. I'm going to try to start reading and journaling more, and focus on blogging less...although I still will...actually, I think the way I'm going to do things will result in more, better blogs, so really I'm just babbling pointlessly now.

I have to go now! I totally forgot to say anything about the worship night at Mine's I attended last night, but it'll have to wait! I'm too excited about jumping into devotions!!

Later llamas!


Anonymous said...

It's Peet's. Yes.

Anonymous said...
