Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Here is my latest short story. I worked really hard on it, hope you enjoy it.

"The Girl Who Waited"

Legend speaks of a bliggy warrior burnt from the vampires, blogged in the surgid dens of history cronies. A tined and furbied love simmered by the toads of Ricky Soup. A tinkled hysterectomy so castly it would confound the blatant turtles of western butter. 

When chippy the patter fell, it toggered with it the baltanty aerozaph. Togger! Togger and wopes, into the blimeered vastoon of baldy vespers. Tiggled and toggered he falmed, with a desperate hurgle born of turgid poo. Turgid it was, frostled with the charming brown of the earth. 

Flippered and flappered in the gimbling fipper he whippled. His bride was a bappy lady, all woebegone with turgid affliciations. In her vast and storied pickling she had grown more turgid still.

Herbling, the bliggy tanker strode with pigeons fiercely imbibed. Grappla Moo Moo his only flappiation. Grapple Moo Moo, and that grentlest of tambleys. 'Twas turkey that fibbled his woes, in the distant winter of cheeserain. 

And this and thus was the patter disinterred. The bappiest of women found and flappered away her turgidity for an eon of pooery.