Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'll make the music if you make it look good...

Those're my bros...

And as a bonus!! This is hilarious.


Anonymous said...

*falls off chair laughing*

Ohhhhhhhh Bryson! Those are two SUPER grand videos. <3

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh.

Chad makes a great midget, actually.

Skittles commercials get more and more disturbing as the years go by.

Anonymous said...

haha, those rock! Kudos to the dude playing the bass (or so I assume it was meant to be the bass)!

Anonymous said...

HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Chad showed me that at his house a couple weeks ago, and I loved it. We totally have to do that with Chad! Maybe do a rap or something hilarious, like umm...ooo... My Immortal by Evanescence!