Tuesday, August 10, 2010


New poem. It's very strange. I wrote it in a traffic jam on the way to the grocery yesterday.

"Slipped Away"

I slipped away into the endless rainfall,
lost in a sea falling onto green shores.
I'll keep a drop of ocean in remembrance of you,
as we depart for distant mountains,
that wrap themselves,
in heavy cloaks of dry white clouds,
those great heaps of desert rock,
lost in thought and shadow

I dreamed last night that the rain never ended
I wonder what would happen if it came true,
Would our fair Sol grow envious of the hurricanes,
if all were lost in gray dreams and moonlit waves,
Would her sunlight burst through the seams of the earth,
In beams that grow like tree trunks, like fingers,
reaching towards a sky she used to rule

"Don't hide your beautiful face,"
We would cry,
"leave us the glory of your endless light,
when the chill sets in and morning fades away,"

It takes rain and sun together to make a seed grow,
a harmonious balance I don't understand.
let us have rain when the sun's anger rises,
let us have light when the darkness descends.


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Leuke said...

Uhhh right. That's great... I think. Just remember everything on this blog is copyright protected.