Saturday, August 28, 2010


My friend and I made a list of goals we want to accomplish by this time next year. Here's mine in (slightly) edited form... Some of them are kind of joking but most are pretty serious.

-Living on my own
-Pay off student loan
-Get a better job
-Grow a beard
-Save up $3000 (or more!)
-tithe off every paycheck
-Practice music
-Quiet time (or devotions if you prefer...) every day
-Work out more (and take protein)
-Eat healthier (and learn how to cook)
-Finish my book (and then write another!)
-Take vitamins
-Find a wife (Ok honestly I have a strict it'll happen when it happens policy.)
-Surfing trip to ocean with Derrick
-Get rid of junk I don't need
-No shave november (still on the fence about this...)
-Spend less/save more
-Be more positive
-Be more generous with my time and money
-keep my room cleaner
-keep my car cleaner
-Save up for a new car
-Drink more water
-Sleep more during the work week
-Speak with more conviction, mumble less
-Learn to to hold a conversation better, maintaining eye contact

I took off getting a pet turtle, finding new insurance, keeping up with laundry better, and learning a new language, because i only added them to make my list as long as Derrick's.

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