Sunday, January 30, 2011


I have noticed I have some strange habits when it comes to writing. Breaking any of these bothers me a little bit, some more than others.

1. When I write in a coffee shop, I have to have my back to a wall. This is a privacy thing, because it weirds me out when someone reads something before I deem it acceptable to be read.

2. Each story has to have its own notebook. It bothers me to write the wrong story in the wrong notebook, so when I accidentally forget the notebook for the story I'm working on, I (usually) write something else.

3. Working without coffee or a hot drink throws me off a lot of the time. I have no idea why.

4. I always write with Bic blue or black ink pens. This isn't so strange I guess, because all other pens are doomed to fail me.

5. I always write in composition notebooks, though sometimes out of necessity I have written stories on legal pads, napkins, envelopes, and my arm.

6. I have a thesaurus and a dictionary at my desk, but I always use when I need to look something up.

7. When I am brainstorming a story in my head, I have to have to have to have a closed off cave where I cannot be disturbed or seen. Windows and doors must be shut, and music has to be on. If I get bothered during this time, I tend to get very irritable.

8. I get inspiration from the most random things imaginable. For example, I went to a motocross thing the other day, and while the motorcycle racing did not inspire me in the slightest, the star spangled banner beforehand gave me a crazy new idea.

So that's a little peak into my mind and the way my writing works. I'm actually pretty sure I'm only typing this because I'm breaking number three right now.

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