Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The more I drink of your word, the more I thirst for You.

Welcome to the inaugural post for my newly relocated blog.

I’ve got a poem and a blog posted below, with some fiction and possibly an essay on writing on the way. I’m not moving any of my old stuff, probably. It’ll be fine on my old blog, and most of it wasn’t that great anyhow…I’ll add it to my links section if y’all want to read any of my archives, though…

I’m still playing around with options, so if anything seems out of place or odd, that’s why. Actually, if anything seems odd, that’s probably not going to change anytime soon. I still can’t pick a theme…

Lemon Guaca Day is coming!! Yesterday we painted three huge signs. Well, sort of a sign-decoration combo. Basically huge lemons and avocados cut out of wood and nearly as tall as me.

It was quite messy, but a lot of fun! I can’t wait to get all the pictures together for this year’s bash. The preparation has already been a lot of fun.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a very remarkable game. The storyline is very deep and interesting. If you have a Gamecube, it is, along with the other Zelda for the system, Wind Waker, among the games I would recommend most highly. I’ve spent a great deal of time this last week delving into this new world Nintendo has created.

The sword play is certainly much deeper. Some of the new sword moves you can learn are wickedly cool. I’m becoming a master of the mortal draw, which is basically where you put your sword away and just sort of stand there while an enemy charges you down and then whip it out at very last second and strike. Blam, instant kill. What with getting turned into a dog, riding a charging boar through enemy barricades, fighting on horseback, rescuing a man who has been cursed by his greed and turned to solid gold, and teaming up with a quirky sorcerer from another world ,the game is, as I said, remarkable…I didn’t touch on a quarter of what happens…

Blah blah blah. I already left you enough to read for awhile…

Later llamas!!

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