Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Out of Sync

Yes. I wrote another poem. Not going to stop while I'm on a role, ok?? I wrote this one stemming from an idea from my last untitled poem. I always feel out of sync with the people around me, so I wrote a poem about it.

"Out of Sync"

Tick tick tick
the clock tocks the same for me
as everyone else,
I must assume.

But sometimes it all feels so wrong
I'm one step back,
or two steps ahead,
or seven steps back,
living in yesterday's domain,
or the future's unseen kingdom,
but am I ever in the right moment?

Am I ever in sync,
or does every moment slip past
as senseless as the one before,
while everyone lives their synchronized life
I manage stories and peoples
in my cluttered china shop brain
waiting for a bull to break all the dishes
waiting for a tornado to sweep me off my feet

Am I ever in sync,
or is everyone else,
simply as disoriented as me?
I haven't told anyone my suspicions,
but I think maybe nobody has it together
I know I'm out of sync,
I know I've got it all wrong
but maybe
I'm too out of sync to care.

Perhaps what I'm trying to say,
is that I don't mind being
out of sorts, out of sync
I'd just like it
if there was one person
two steps back,
when I'm two steps back,
seven steps to my seven,
backward or forward
out of sync,
but perfectly in tune.

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