Friday, September 28, 2012

The Saturday Embers

Once again I don't anticipate having an update prepared for tomorrow... school has kept me very busy as of late, and my assignments haven't been the interesting blog material I was hoping for. As such, I decided for posterity's sake to post a bit about life. This moment, sitting on my floor late at night, typing when I should be sleeping, doesn't seem like anything momentous... but life is mostly about what happens in between monumental and massive. We are defined by our day to day lives more than anything.

And my life looks like this:


I am in training to become a "production facilitator" at Lazer Designs. This is a sort of supervisory position, wherein I keep track of orders needing to be laser, make sure they get lasered (mostly being the one to laser them personally) and help people make sure they know what to do and that they can properly get their own jobs done. It can be a little stressful at times but it's usually fun. It's funny timing that I got a promotion right around the time I decided to go back to school. A heaping helping of extra responsibility to go with my extra responsibility. Oh speaking of...


Going back to school has been a wild experience. Similar to my previous endeavors and very different at the same time. Three days a week I rush from work to the bus stop and fly downtown. I had never taken the bus before, but it's sort of rolled into your tuition, and they make you pay for parking, so you really don't have much choice unless you are rolling in dough... and let's face it, if I was rolling in cash like Scrooge McDuck, I probably wouldn't go back to school. I'd stay at home and swim in my money like all rich people do.

Metro is mostly frustrating. I have seriously considered switching schools. The administration is a bit of a joke, my education adviser was terrible, and my phone calls often went unanswered and unreturned. I had heard a lot about the school but I have yet to be impressed.

My teachers probably aren't going to change this. My children's literature is fun, and I enjoy the curriculum, but he's terribly disorganized and almost always late. My Human Diversity teacher is a socialist, and lets his politics effect his teaching and curriculum. I also can never remember the name of the class. Human Diversity,  Human Diversity, Human Diversity. Maybe if I write it enough I will remember. The last class I'm taking is Introduction to Education. The class is a hybrid of online and in class meetings, and a sort of unsuccessful one. It feels like the teacher shoehorned standard curriculum in. There are lots of group activities, but we don't meet very often, making group projects incredibly awkward.

But all this aside, I'm enjoying the learning and excited about the future. I'm hoping my next semester will be a little less ad hoc and I'll be a more prepared for everything. I've had to get back into the swing of things, and relearn how to write papers and use power point... suddenly those classes they force you to take in community college make a lot more sense.

Oh and how's this for weird, crazy, and out of character... I gave a presentation and I ENJOYED IT.


Still plugging away at Sovereign Night, though very slowly as of late. I've decided to split the story into five parts rather than three, simply because it's wound up being considerably longer than I was originally planning. I've always been a fan of brevity over longwindedness, but my past attempts at writing out the story have not been terribly successful, and in all of them I did my best to hurry the story along. I believe less is more when it comes to writing, but you have to balance this with fully fleshing out details and character development, things I didn't understand when I was a younger, less experienced writer.

And that's it for me. I'm not a social creature, as evinced by the fact that I don't see people as much as I used to. In the book Velocity by Dead Koontz, the main character has no friends to turn to in a time of crisis because he spent no time building friendships. The fact that he reaped little because he sowed little was repeated more than once. I feel like I'm not sowing very much, but I hope the little that I am will be enough... I probably need the people still in my life now more than ever. God built us for community, we don't do well on our own. I am tempted to try to do everything by myself, but I know that's not the best way. I'm not very good with people, but I like to think I am learning. I think 26 year olds are supposed to have it all together, but I'm still working on it, ok??

Later lllamas!

This week the trend:

-Mumford and Sons' "Babel"
-St. Vincent's "The Forest Awakes"
-Fringe is back!
-Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
-The original version of the Little Mermaid (I want to turn it into a novel!)
-Amy and Rory are going to die (Or get lost in time)
-Elk Fest

Also... I am changing the name of this feature to Embers plural... just because.

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