Monday, March 1, 2010


I finished chapter seven of the Unstoppable. It's fairly rough, but I plan to post it later today after some revision. You can find all chapters of The Unstoppable by clicking on the link to the right...that will lead you to a table of contents will chapters listed.

I'm also working on chapter four of Eleanor's story...I have a lot of ideas, so there'll probably be at least a few more chapters. I also might write a chapter zero of sorts, which will take place before the first chapter I wrote. This will add some details that'll be fairly important as the story expands.


The latter half of Chapter 3 has gone through some MAJOR revisions. I basically redrafted it, not from scratch, but I changed a lot. If you get confused as you read new stuff, go back and check it out!

Random trivia of the day:

I recently played through a video game called Bioshock 2, which had a main character named Eleanor...I connected with that game in a way I haven't connected with a game in awhile, so that's why I picked the name Eleanor, because the story had a stronger emotional effect on me. Robert I picked at random, Charlie Pace is a rockstar on Lost, and Josiah's last name is Elrond...of LOTR fame.

Later llamas.

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