Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Doo doo doo doo doo doo


Still plugging away in fire academy. It's week... 8 now I guess?? We just had our midterm, so we're about halfway through. The class has dropped in size from 37 to about 24, 23. And by the end that number will certainly drop further. Possibly to as low as a dozen or less. But I'm determined to stick it out to the end.

We also had our evaluation on fire attack and our ability to walk through the steps of fighting a fire while properly wearing our SCBA(self contained breathing apparatus, SCUBA minus the underwater). AND EVERYONE PASSED. Do you know what this means, llamas?! WE BURN NEXT WEEK. That's right. We're going to actually FIGHT FIRE. I'm getting really excited!

In other news, not much going on, I guess. Lots of potential life changes are on the horizon for me, but not much to speak of yet. Except for one. I am on the market for a new job as of now. My hours got cut at Best Buy and I'm sick to death of working there anyhow, so I'm hoping to find something new. I also want to use my new found freedom to get a lot of writing done, so this post is me officially promising to post something new very soon.

I don't want to go on and on, so, later llamas.


-Where the Wild Things Are
-Green by Ted Dekker
-Paranormal Activity
-Relient K's new CD
-David Crowder Band's new CD.
-The soundtrack to Where the Wild Things Are
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
-Losing my voice (it sounds sweet and raspy now)
-Super Smash Bros.
-Most of my instructors

-Not having all my JPRs memorized
-Getting sick and staying sick.
-Having to go to the bathroom AFTER putting on your bunker gear.
-Foreclosure scams
-A few of my instructors


MBA said...

"Having to go to the bathroom AFTER putting on your bunker gear." I just laughed out loud....

Leuke said...

Twice now! It's the worst! Once you get out there it's hard to get a bathroom break in. I've come dangerously close to...um, never mind.

MBA said...

bwahaha, sounds rough! i'm sure it keeps things exciting during training tho. :P