Why hello there! Long time no talk I know. Last you heard I was working on EARTHBOUND in the great state of Colorado.
Now I live in Ohio and I have a novel OUT NOW on Amazon.com! It's available on Kindle there. Print is out of stock for a few more weeks. Audio is coming soon!
Don't feel like waiting?? Email me DIRECT: enderauthor@gmail.com
I'll send you a signed copy for the low, low price of $17 (that includes shipping!). I'll even sign it if you like. :D
You can also get an unsigned copy direct from the publisher at crimsonpulsemedia.com. This is a great way to go if you want books by other authors as well. I recommend Portal World's serial brother The Last Runner so you can get caught up in time for the second book, which I believe begins releasing chapters soon. I'm behind myself, but hoping to catch up soon!
I've got a ton going on and will hopefully be able to announce the release of my next book soon! It's going to be a new serial, fantasy this time instead of sci-fi. Chapters are set to release sometime this month if I'm not mistaken.
I'm planning to begin work on the sequel to PW in just a few weeks, and I am super excited for that. It's going to be so much fun to write, I've got a lot of crazy ideas I can't wait to get on paper.
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