Monday, March 26, 2018

A Brief History of Podcasting

Hello there! After much debate and about 30 seconds of googling, I hear that Mondays are the best day to update your blog. Therefore I have decided that we will be updating every Monday from now on.

What forms the weekly update may take will vary, but it'll mostly be stories, since that's what I do. I'll post snippets and previews of things I'm working on both so you can enjoy the writing for its own sake, and so you can get a behind-the-scenes look at the crafting of these crazy novels I write.


I did an interview for the podcast I co-host, Coffee Nerds. We chatted a bit about the creation of Portal World, my new book.

I won't plug my podcast too often (I have a different blog for that), but this episode had both worlds intersecting for an Epic Crossover Event that doesn't happen very often, so I thought it would be a lazy awesome way to get started with regular updates.

(Portal World discussion starts at about the 7:30 mark)

As always, I value your feedback. Feel free to drop me a comment. Later llamas!

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