Tuesday, May 15, 2007

If you can't feel your toes, they're probably made out of bacon.

Change of plans, I ran out of time to do any blogging today. But I did find time to do this whilst otherwise occupied this afternoon...

From Savannah's blog...if my fonts are all weird, blame her. Too lazy/short on time to fix anything...

I grabbed 7 books from my shelf, flipped to page 123 and wrote down the contents of line 3. The Results!!

  1. II. The Garden of Live Flowers 139
  2. The sky now was quickly clearing and the sinking moon was shining
  3. out into a long hallway. Numbered doors
  4. This time there was no protest, only a few scattered cheers.
  5. stood before the man, unable to hold his eyes. The blond German had
  6. now saying. "Oh, Orual," she said, not even I have
  7. friend Orpheus!" Basta put an arm around his shoulders . "The

Now, you should try to match book titles to the excerpt! Here are the book titles in random order:

  • Obsessed
  • Till We Have Faces
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Penultimate Peril
  • The War in Heaven
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
  • Inkspell

Go for it, yo. Most of those are easy if you've read the book...

And something else...just a little survey...

  1. One book that has changed your life, excepting the Bible: Left Behind. I became a Christian after reading it. Hooray for cheesy apocalyptic thrillers!
  2. One book you’ve read more than once: Um, I rarely reread books, so I'm not sure. There are plenty of books I want to reread, though. Obsessed, The Hobbit, Inkheart, and pretty much all of C.S. Lewis's writing is on the list though!!
  3. One book you’d want on a desert island: A notebook, so I could write.
  4. One book that made you laugh: Any of the last five or six Series of Unfortunate Events books.
  5. One book that made you cry: I can't think of anything...
  6. One book you wish had been written: The Fall of Light. I've been working on that story for so long!!
  7. One book you wish had never been written: His Dark Materials. Awful anti-Christian fantasy trilogy.
  8. One book you are currently reading: Emma, by Jane Austen and Not Even a Hint, by Joshua Harris (among other things)
  9. One book you’ve been meaning to read: The list would go from here to China, kid . I keep a list of books I want to read, and I want to reread a lot of what I've already read.
  10. Tag 5 people: I don't think I know five people who really blog!! Ashton and Sierra should do it, though.
Later llamas! Remember to thank blogger for being pure evil!! I can't wait to switch. This will be my last post for sure. I won't blog with blogger again!! Yack!!


Anonymous said...

hah! I just realized I put the wrong line of Inkspell on my blog...oh well.

Here is a guess of a few.
2. Series of Unfortunate Events
3. Alice in Wonderland
5. Obsessed
7. Inkspell

Leuke said...

5 and 7 are right, the other two are wrong...

Anonymous said...

YES! I got Number 5!

Anonymous said...

Pity. I haven't read the two I got wrong, so it would of been swell if I had gotten them right. I have no other guesses...