Thursday, February 22, 2007

I've decided I'm too indecisive.


Anonymous said...

You need to stop deleting your posts. My goodness, boy. That was a good post--why'd you nix it?

Leuke said...

I had some things to think about. It's not gone...

Anyways, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I have a big problem with being indecisive about stuff.

My blog tomorrow should be interesting...

Leuke said...

There, back up!

Anonymous said...

deciding your indecisive is worse that being ardent in your apathy!

Anonymous said...

Why does Isabel have a myspace?

Anonymous said...

Correction: Isabella...sorry.

Leuke said...

Isabella needed an outlet to express her love of communism.

Anonymous said...

That's....good, I guess.