Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'll look out for you, you look out for me

Hey peeps.

I got the new Tobymac cd and some of the songs are really good. Some seem really boring so far, but that's beside the point today...

One thing in particular I like is the first song, "One World" which is where I got the lyric for my title. I really like a lot of the lyrics on his new cd. It's very expressive of love for God...and that got me thinking about did Philippians 2, and the Valley of Vision poem I read today.

When I decided I wanted to write about selfless love as my topic, I wasn't sure what verses I would use to back up my thoughts, and then I read Philippians 2, and everything fell into place...

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,"

Last week something amazing happened to me. I began to think of myself as not just loving God, but being IN love with him. I'm not exactly sure when it started, but the constant awareness of all the horrors God saved me from began to make it easier and easier to think of God with deep affection.

I think there's a big difference between loving someone and being in love. People say they love unimportant things all the time. It's a saying that gets tossed around almost without meaning, from "I love Chipolte" or "I love mayonnaise even when I don't know where it's been" to "I love that guy" as a girl at work has said about me...

Whereas, saying that you're in love with someone is a statement we are far, far more careful with, because it carries a great deal more weight. And rightly so, because it implies a deep bond with that person.

But I'm not going to be careful in saying I'm in love with God, ever! I don't think I can be any more selfish than if I try to hide what God has done for me. This is something the whole world needs to be hearing, from all of us!

"Count others as more significant than yourselves"

This is important. It isn't easy...or natural...but it's really, really important. In bible study we mostly talked about these verses concerning church unity. From arguments I've heard nonbelievers use, I think this is a serious problem for the church as a whole. One of the biggest arguements I have heard against Christianity is that we are so divided. Rivalry and conceit must be put away so that we can focus on love and humility! I don't think the variety of denominations out there will matter nearly as much if we are unified by the Gospel.

I don't know, I haven't thought about this much until today...

I'm stuck on the idea of loving others more than yourself, looking to others interest first, looking out for others instead of yourself. I don't think there's anything we can do to proclaim Christ in our lives more than by following His example of humility and putting others first.

And yet it's so hard because we're so sinful. It's just easier to think about yourself first. I do it without thinking. I want to be less selfish, and I've tried to take my focus off myself, but it's still what I'm comfortable with, what I'm willing to share, what I'm willing to give, and not what God asks of me...

This is not the way it should be. I want to change...

One way I see it is, if we're all putting others first, we'll have no need to ever worry about ourselves, because someone else will have our backs. Anyways, I want to put others first in all things! I'll look out for you, you look out for me...

Here's half of a Valley of Vision poem I really liked...

Lord of all being,
There is one thing that deserves my greatest care,
That calls forth my ardent desires,
That is, that I may answer the great end for which I am made-
to glorify thee who hast given me being,
and to do all the good I can for my fellow men;
Verily life is not worth having,
if it be not improved for this noble purpose.
Yet Lord, how little is this the thought of mankind!
Most men seem to live for themselves,
without much or any regard for thy glory,
or for the good of others;
They earnestly desire and eagerly pursue
the riches, honors, pleasures of this life,
as if they supposed that wealth, greatness, merriment,
could make their immortal souls happy;
But, alas, what false, delusive dreams are these!
And how miserable ere long with those be that sleep in them,
for all our happiness consists in loving thee
and being holy as thou art holy.

Later llamas!


Anonymous said...


[blinks rapidly]
When my brain starts working again I'll be sure to leave you many a detailed and wonderful comment.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bryce, Well I really liked this post about thinking of others. I've been thinking about an aspect of this myself. If you go to my blog and read the one post I have (so far) you will see what I mean. Pretty much, through God's grace, I have been making an effort to pray for one of my friends every day and ask God to show me how He has been working in their life, and make sure I let them know about the fruit I see in their life. I've been so inspired to do this since Sunday's message. Well, while I'm writing you this ginamous comment I might as well start with you! I was praying for you this morning and God really showed me the passion you have had for Him. During accountability and other times I have seen a change in your perspective about God, like you mentioned in this post. In accountability, when you were talking about how you do your devotions with a purpose, to sincerely meet with God, it inspired me to have the same intimate love for God that you had. Thank you for being an example! I hope you were encouraged,and see how God is working in you! See ya Friday!

Leuke said...

Thanks for the encouragment, bro!! seeya tomorrow!