Monday, August 3, 2009

Speaking of getting attacked by little kids, I taught sunday school (or children's ministry as we call it) yesterday and I loved it! I've been teaching for a few months, but this is the first time it felt like things went really well, at least until the end. I lost control a little when I ran out of stuff to do. The pastor went over again!! By like ten minutes.

I did puppets during the Bible story today, and I think this went really well, because the kids loved it. I did different voices for each puppet. I gave Elijah a slackerly surfer kind of voice, and King Ahab was like "Graaaah I'm King Ahaaaab and I'm ANGRYYYY."

And playground time. I figured out how to get all the kids to play together. They always scatter when we do playground time, but I like the idea of everyone doing something at the same time.


They love playing pirates. I'm trying to figure out how to turn it into a game. I also need to figure out how to get the girls to build me a castle. I was begging all the little girls in the class to build me a castle out of pine cones, but they wouldn't do it.

1 comment:

MBA said...

You tried to get all the little girls to make you a castle? I feel like that should be the other way around......