I am so sleepy. You would not even believe how sleepy.
I went to Beka and Josiah's wedding today. It was grand. Made me look forward to June 12 next year all the more (I am getting married next year, June 12 for those not in the know).
I also...danced a teeny bit, sat around quite a lot, splattered hot sauce on one of my favorite button up shirts and went to see... the Proposal.
Must say, not a fan. It was moderately funny...but it had some really vulgar scenes I could have lived without. And it just...lacked depth. It didn't connect with me. Plus, it seemed to treat marriage as nothing terribly important, just a ritual that hardly even matters.
Seriously. Sleepy. And I have to get up early tomorrow...got to be at church at the crack of...7:45 AM.
june 12th eh? pusheesh! thanks for letting my know! u just went down 6 notches in my book..who is the poor lady?
the proposal. yeah, not so much..
Why do I go down six notches?? I'm still not sure who the poor lady is...but we agree there at least...I already feel sorry for her...
you know why. mister -47 notches..
now now..look on the bright side - u have an entire year for improvement.
-47...so harsh! I did tell you! I told you in my blog...
No, less than a year! Like ten months...
that so does not count!
10 months eh? *strokes chin*...not to worry - i'll have u in good shape! paula is worth it. believe u me.
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