Hi llamas.
Had another interesting weekend. Let's see...
Nate's prayer and worship night to christen his house! Open it! Whatever you want to call it! We had a good time! Chad and I played Nintendo DS for awhile, because he JUST GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to bed sometime that night, but I can't remember when!!!!!!!
Men's meeting! Jared and I tried to keep up with Nate's ceiling fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all spun ourselves dizzy!! It was great!
I bought music that evening!!!!!!!! Including a Coldplay song I didn't mention before!!!!
Red Robin!! Chile!! Fries!! Dr. Pepper!!
Ultimate Frisbee at the park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dave can run fast! I had a hard time keeping up with him, but I got a couple blocks and interceptions in for the FIRST TIME EVER. I mean, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!!
Um um! Then I got sick for awhile and went to King Soopers for my mom, and I bought SKITTLES and TWIZZLERS!! FOR WHAT YOU ASK?!
Pirates 3! Who came, you ask?! In seating order!! Jared, Chad, Nate, me, Molly, Daisy, Savannah, Sean and Daniel!! The movie was weird!! And I couldn't decide if I should be cheering for anyone, because all the characters were morally ambiguous!! There were no good guys!! I never, ever want to see Jack Sparrow look at a goat again!! Or a donkey! When he looks at a donkey in the first movie, it's disturbing now!
*collapses from fit of exclamation point fury*
Some quotes from the weekend.
Let's see. Oh yes. I forgot. Monday. Was. Cool. Too. I went to my sister's softball game. And then. Some. Of. Us. Went. To. Denny's, which is not IHOP, it would seem.
Oh yes. Quotes. Here we go. Try not to explode, with excitement.
-"Jon, guard the women!" -Lots of people
-"Barbossa, marry us!" -Orlando Bloom
-"...and really bad eggs" -Chad
-"Bryce gets all the girls cause he has skittles." -Jared
-"They killed Batman!" -Me, at work
-"Yeah, I'll have the Moons Over My Hammy" Me, at Denny's
There's more, but I can't remember them...maybe I'll add more later. The conversation at Denny's was great. Oh yes, and Deborah gave me a word! Apparently she has a thing where she picks one word that she thinks really sums someone's character up...let me see if I can remember them all.
Me: Intentional
Jon: Successful
Erica: Thoughtful
Matt: Cheerful
And she was still working on Zach's...
Whelp, I can think of nothing else to say. I'm going to go shower and do my devotions and then WHO KNOWS WHAT?! Hopefully lots of writing! And maybe (ick) some trig homework.
Um wow.
Umm....Okay wow. I'm glad you had a pleasant weekend.
Random question: who is the author of the quote used as the title of this entry? Is it in a song? I googled that quote, and this is what I got. I can't remember who said it or where!
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