I'm on break from Bio...today's been the most lovely day ever. After chemistry class and bible study today I went for a walk through this big open space behind Frontrange and it was awesome. There's a lake back there and I loved being out in nature with all the animals and trees just taking a walk around the lake. It really feels like Spring now...I can't describe it all in the short time I've got before class starts again...I think it's one of my favorite places in the Denver area...after Stanley Lake...I love it out there too.
Anyways, spring break is here!! Just in time for Spring, which officially started yesterday!! This makes me so happy...
I got a new story idea today, too. Something very different from all the stuff I've worked or talked about before. I'm going to keep it under my hat for awhile longer, though...
Anyways, back to it...only two hours to freedom...
[sighs] I remember spring break...
I wish I had a spring break!
Yeah, me too---oh wait.
Wait....wasn't there another post? This is confusing.
There was...I took it down. Sorry...I just wasn't sure if I liked it or not.
Spring is simply the most wonderful thing. <33
Hip hip hooray.
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